Blue Earth Review is looking for ambitious and exuberant works of flash fiction, essay, memoir, and short poetry that offer insight, complicate existing conversations, and that enrich our understanding of what it means to be human in an increasingly complex world.
Grand prize: One $500 prize per genre & publication.
The current contest season is 2024. Submissions are currently: Closed. Submissions are under review.
Submission fee per genre is $5, non-waivable and non-refundable. One submission per participant is allowed. Only submissions made through our official Submittable portal are accepted. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Notify us immediately if the piece is accepted elsewhere. Participants must be United States residents or valid US taxpayers. Split winnings are not allowed. Winners will be paid the full $500 upon confirmation and processing as allowed by our affiliated institution, Minnesota State University–Mankato. Payment will be received on or after publication of the featured magazine. Contact us with any questions.
Alumni of Minnesota State University–Mankato must wait a minimum of 5 years after graduation to be eligible to submit to Blue Earth Review.
Flash Fiction
Submit up to two flash fiction pieces of no more than 750 words each. If you include multiple pieces, please include them both in a single file (.doc or .docx).
Winner: $500 prize and publication
Submission: Closed. Submissions are under review.
Flash Creative Nonfiction
Submit up to two flash creative nonfiction pieces of no more than 750 words each. If you include multiple pieces, please include them both in a single file (.doc or .docx).
Winner: $500 prize and publication
Submission: Closed. Submissions are under review.
Submit up to three poems per submission in a single file (.doc or .docx). Max 5 pages.
Winner: $500 prize and publication
Submission: Closed. Submissions are under review.